Friday, September 2, 2011

Gone Coco-nuts

One year my parents took a vacation to Hawaii with my Aunt Millie and Uncle Leigh.  They had a such a great time that they didn't want to come back.  After hearing their stories, I wrote this poem for Mother's Day.

Copyright 2011 by Roger B. Stone

It was lo these many years ago, in May of ninety-seven,
On a sojourn for a fortnight to a little piece of heaven,
That our mystery begins where the Pacific currents churn,
For Bob and Pat went off that day and never did return.

Perhaps their ship's been wrecked on an atoll in Polynesia,
Or some coconuts have bonked them causing mutual amnesia,
Or the sun has baked their brains and made them both non-compos-mental.
For what else could cause the Stones to give up all things continental?

One eye-witness said she saw them on the beach and acting silly,
Drinking something from a conch shell with some folks named Leigh and Millie.
And another said he spied them lying naked on the sand.
They had big smiles on their faces and they looked relaxed and tanned.

But they never did resurface and their trail has now grown cold.
The investigators did their best; (or so we have been told.)
My guess is that they're living on a beach out in the boonies,
Where the tourists think they're natives - and the natives think they're loonies.

But whether they're on Maui, or Lanai or Molokai,
Or they've run off to Oahu or retired to Kauai,
You know that they're in Heaven in their new home by the sea. 
Sounds like Paradise, Nirvana, and Utopia to me!


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